Log into your account then go to your Dashboard
Then click on Go to Artist Dashboard
Click on Products
Click on Add New Product
Listing your original artwork on our site is easy if you follow these guidelines and work through the boxes on the page.
Title: Enter the Title of your artwork
IMAGE: Using the LARGE box, upload the main image of the item being sold. Using the small box, Upload other images such as close-up of the frame, the artwork hanging on the wall etc.
Product Type:
Choose Simple - for any original artwork or merchandise that comes in one form, size or style only.
Choose Variable - for any product that has different sizes, for example, a Tshirt. Reproductions are a Variable product but we will enter the variables for you.
Leave the "Downloadable" or "Virtual" boxes UNCHECKED.
PRICE: Enter the Retail Price for the product as presented
DISCOUNTED PRICE: Only enter a price here if you are offering it at a discount
CATEGORY: You must choose the correct category when listing your item so it shows in the correct search location.
TAGS: Tags are the important search terms, you can scroll through the existing tags and add your own. Try to avoid phrases. Please use single words where possible. See here for more info on Tags
SHORT DESCRIPTION: This appears to the right of the image and gives a BRIEF story about the image or product. DO NOT PUT ARTWORK DESCRIPTION HERE.
See here for more info on Descriptions
DESCRIPTION: Describe the product to the best of your ability, clearly so the buyer know exactly what they are receiving. For original artworks include such things as a description of the media, substrate, frame, framed size, unframed size, and any other pertinent information. To try and maintain consistency on the site please try to list this information in this form...
- Substrate - Canvas, Linen, paper or whatever you have painted on
- Media - Inks, pastels, oils etc
- Artwork size - XX (h) x YY (w) cm for consistency - Height x Width always
- Framed Size - XX (h) x YY (w) cm for consistency - Height x Width always
- Frame style - Describe the frame, matting etc, and upload photos of the frame where possible
INVENTORY: Show as "In Stock" and leave everything else as is.
SHIPPING AND TAX: It is important for correct freight charges to be applied that you enter the correct dimensions and weight of the product.
SHIPPING CLASS: Choose the appropriate shipping class from the drop-down options.
TAX STATUS: Leave as default.
LINKED PRODUCTS: May apply if you have other similar products listed. Otherwise, leave blank.
ATTRIBUTES: Ignore at this time.
OTHER OPTIONS: All new products listed are subject to review by Art House Reproductions and will only become available for sale once approved.
Once you have completed all of the above, click Save, or click Save at any time to save a draft to come back to for later edition.
We will receive notification of the new listing and will approve as soon as possible.
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