What the heck is a QR CODE??
QR stands for Quick Response, so A QR Code is a type of Barcode and is a quick way for people to find something. Like the scanner in Woolies and Coles, you can use an app on your phone to scan a QR Code and quickly navigate to a web link associated with that code - saves typing an address.
How or Why would you use one?
Your business, no matter how small or large, could use QR codes in a number of ways. You might auto generate one next to every product on your web site containing all the product details, the number to call and the URL link to the page so they can show their friends on their cell phone. You could add one to your business card containing your contact details so its easy for someone to add you to their contacts on their cell phone.
Add them to any print advertising, flyers, posters, invites, TV ads etc containing:
- Product details
- Contact details
- Offer details
- Event details
- Competition details
- A coupon
- Twitter, Facebook, MySpace IDs
- A link to your YouTube video
So, How do you make one?
You need an App for the Internet Browser you are using - here are some links to the popular ones... Install the app and follow the instructions.
What Next?
Once you have generated a QR Code for your website, or a particular image on your site, you can place that image in any documents that might be printed, such as brochures or Gallery tags.
Who will use them?
Anyone with a QR code App on their phone who wants easy access to what you are offering! They simply open their app, point their camera at your code and hey presto, your site pops up in their phone browser giving them instant access to your products. Many smartphones do this in their native camera app, iPhones automatically detect QR codes in the camera app, with Samsung you need to tap 'Bixby Vision' first, or there are many apps available that do this too.
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