Ever had a hard drive fail on you. If not, then you've probably never owned a computer! Most of my blog posts are inspired by questions clients ask me or problems they've had. This one is no different, two clients in three days with hard drive failures and no backups means that there are many of you out there getting close to being in the same boat!
Death, taxes and hard drive failures - they get us all. You need to be prepared for all of them but today I want to show you how easy it is to save your sanity in the event of a hard drive failure. I'll leave the other two up to you to sort out.
Worried about the cost of those hard drives? Think about the cost of losing all the hard work and time you've spent creating all those files and what losing that information could cost you!
There are so many ways now that you can protect your data, having only one copy on one hard drive is just plain silly and dangerous.
P.S. I was just about finished writing this post and another artist came in and told me how they were setting up a new backup drive, formatting it first as you should but THEY FORMATTED THE WRONG DRIVE - 15 years, thousands of family photos deleted!!!! No Backup! Fortunately, they were able to recover most of the files using special recovery software but now they have to go through every image and rename it because when recovery software saves the file, it gives each recovered file a new file name, with no reference to what the original name was.
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