Personal page V Business Page
- Make sure you have a business page to work on first - you can't build a business on a personal page.
- Always share your art on your Business page first!
- Keep your personal stuff personal!
- Invite all your friends, on your personal page to like your business page.
- Be sure to have a link to your business page in the “About” section on your personal page
- Make sure you fill in all the details in the "About" Section of your Business page - link to your website.
Here are some ideas and topics to get your creative juices flowing.
Promotional Posts
- Always show an image
- Include a “CALL TO ACTION” - always ask a question to illicit a response. make sure that question is NOT a yes/no answer - Why, How, what questions
- Always ask them to Share your posts.
- Add value, always think “What’s in it for them”
Photos to share….
- In your studio
- Of your studio
- working on an artwork
- showing sections of an artwork - detail photos
- your favourite brushes, pencils or whatever
- delivering commissioned art to the buyer
- ask people who you’ve sold art to to send you a photo of it on their wall
- MOST IMPORTANT - make sure your photos are excellent quality - if it’s blurry, DELETE IT! If you need help, ask for it.
- Hold the art in your hands or stand bedside it on the wall to show scale
- Describe how it feels!
- Art in Room Apps - I use Artrooms.
- time lapse videos of you painting
- a video of your studio
- can you do online classes if the real ones are cancelled - Facebook live!
- How to videos
Thanks and Appreciation...
- do a generic shout out to all your past clients thanking them for purchasing your art
- A specific post to someone who bought art and the story why they did
- Share testimonials and ask for them
Personal Milestones...
- What have you learned new today
- What was the last book you read and what did you learn from it
- Who was the last person you met that impressed you for some reason
Ask Questions…
- Ask followers what they like best about your art
- Ask them what they would like to see painted in your style
- invite questions about your style
- What else do you sell - reproductions (of course), cards, jigsaw puzzles, scarves, Crystal Blocks - show pictures of the item as purchased (in box or whatever), being used, with real people so your clients see it in action.
- Ask what products people would be interested in with your art on it.
- What inspires you to paint
- Who inspires you to paint
- What motivates you to do the amazing stuff you do!
- Interview another artist you admire
Share Knowledge...
- Advise people how to care for your paintings or reproductions.
- Give advice on framing for a piece
- Decorating tips.
- Talk about the products you use and why
- How do you come up with your ideas
- What does it feel like to be an artist
Inspirational Quotes...
- People love them - you love them. Post your favourites and talk about what they mean to you.
Create posts by Day...
- Us these or make up your own versions....
- Motivational Monday - talk about what moves you
- Talkback Tuesday - ask for comment, create discussion
- What Happened Wednesday - show when things went wrong! we are all human
- Throwback Thursday - show some of your older works.
- Freaky Friday - show some art that you may have done that’s out of your normal genre
- respond to all comments - if they take the time to comment, it’s only polite that you respond.
- Ask them questions if appropriate
- Support other artists so they support you.
- It won’t happen on it’s own - you have to work to increase followers
- Try Facebook ads or Boost posts if you see a possibility for results. Run it by us first.
- Make sure you have correct links in your email signature to you social media pages
- Make sure you have correct links on your website to you social media pages
- Send everyone a newsletter reminding them to follow you.
- Keep the standard high
- Post regularly - be consistent in your posts so people know when to look for them
- Be positive - do not post anything negative on your business page EVER!!!!
- watch and learn which posts receive the most interaction and lean more towards that style of post.
- DO NOT TRY TO SELL IN EVERY POST - use the “give, give, give, ask approach”
- Don’t take things personally - post what you post, accept that people out there have their own problems and may take it out on you.
- Vary your posts - give people variety
- HAVE FUN!!! Yes, it’s a pain in the backside but without it, you are dead in the water.
If you have any questions about posting to Social Media Look for the thread that will be in the Private Facebook Group
If you have a questions, somebody else may be thinking the same thing so the group is the best place to ask!
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