I have used Evernote for about 5 years now and have found it invaluable – I use it every single day. It stores all the information I need about my personal and business life. I have the Premium version which costs about $50/year but the free version is a great way to get started. Once you see how Evernote can save you time and frustration, you will go Premium and use it more and more.
It works on Mac or PC, iPhone, iPad or Android and syncs to each device you install it on so you always have all the information you need at your fingertips.
Things I store in Evernote…
- All my passwords – yes – all of them! For added security, you can encrypt text within each note with a password not used anywhere else and rest easy.
- Information on all my clients – no, I haven’t been tracking your movements with a private detective – just notes about things we discuss and products you order.
- Every invoice, bank statement, account, contract, receipt or hand written note that can be scanned goes into Evernote. Every document that arrives at my home or business that needs to be kept, get’s scanned and them 99.9% of the time, tossed or shredded. I emptied a huge book case of folders full of stuff and boxed of documents saving so much space in my home!
- Every great recipe I find
- Details about our cat’s health history
- Personal health records for the family
- Ebooks I purchase and download
- Websites or pages from websites that interest me
- Insurance and Superannuation policies are all in one place, all the time
- Details about all of my own websites
- Reference information about things that interest me
- Travel notes when we plan a trip
- Floor plan and measurements of my house so if I’m out shopping for furniture I know if things will fit.
- User manuals for things that I buy – cameras, vacuum cleaner, oven, whatever – they are all available on line, why fill up drawers with them???
- Poems and stories from my bush poet days – poems I write for family and friends.
- Absolutely anything I need to remember
- And here’s one you will probably never think of… Things I’d like my family and friends to do when I die. Trust me, I’m not looking forward to anyone using this note any time soon! But my family know about it and they have their own. Might sound macabre but why not? It will make the burden less at a time when they really don’t need any more stress. Heck, I might even write my own obituary!
So, as Molly Meldrum used to say… Do yourself a favour and download Evernote now.
Visit the website here to learn more
Below are a couple of great Evernote resources I’ve found – I’ll add to these each time I find a new one.
Jamie Todd Rubin – Going Paperless – Jamie is an Evernote Ambassador and each week writes an article about going paperless using Evernote – PRICELESS STUFF!
Evernote – The unofficial Guide to Capturing Everything – This is a fantastic book to get you started on your Evernote journey. It will teach you all you need to know so you can adapt Evernote to your way of thinking.
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